:How can I choose the DVD open method

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Q: How can I choose the DVD open method?

adcp copy method

A: Normal Copy Method: for Unencrypted and CSS Encrypted DVD. When Normal copy method is used, the program will focus on scanning the main movie title in a DVD. If there is bad cell in the main movie title, a prompt window will come up asking you to choose Enhanced copy method.

Enhanced Copy Method: for Encrypted DVD. More scanning times are required for decrypting encrypted DVD. When Enhanced copy method is used, the program will try to read out as many titles and chapters as possible, and it will then copy all detected titles and chapters. Particularly, the program is able to identify the main movie during the scanning process, and skip all bad cells during copying process.

1. You need to choose the Enhanced Copy Method before opening up a DVD movie in the program.
2. When Enhanced Copy Method is used, your PC may be stuck during the copying process because of the bad sectors in some titles. Please allow a few minutes for the program to work through those bad sectors.

Note: The program will automatically replace the previous ripped movie with the newly ripped movie in the output folder. Thus, you needn't to manually transfer your converted movie to another folder once the program finishes ripping a DVD movie.


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